Official Requests as of 6/17/2020

We, HAYMARKET POLE COLLECTIVE as a community of dancers, club owners, DJs, staff, and management teams have organized the PDXStripperStrike to confront the issue of racism that has plagued all of our communities for too long. This movement is about improving fair working conditions, contracting comprehension, and scheduling practices for dancers in the Portland Metro Area. 

Specifically, we are asking your business’ solidarity in ongoing education and policy transparency in regards to race and gender in your club.

Our requests are simple:


  1. Have a transparent, forward facing policies and procedures for ongoing cultural sensitivity training, including but not limited to race and sexual assault awareness. 

    1. We will provide your business with free and reduced cost training opportunities for owners, management and staff if financial contributions are a concern.

    2. Should you be interested in hosting a fundraiser for solidarity services, which will help provide training to clubs which cannot afford them, we will help you in whatever capacity you wish in order to bring business into your organization.

  2. Advise all staff to read the provided literature and/or attend listening sessions

    1. These documents are simply testimonials from dancers in your area detailing the lived experience they have in the industry. They are not accusations or personal attacks. All personal information will be removed and the testimonials and are from a variety of people. The documents must be available to staff at all times and have forward facing policy as to their availability.

  3. Consider equal shifts for equal work and due diligence to booking shifts with regional population statistics in mind. 

  4. Once you have contacted a HAYMARKET POLE COLLECTIVE official representative and agreed to the above steps, make a public post on social media to show solidarity with: the need for ongoing education in the adult industry pertaining to cultural sensitivity; the other clubs participating in this movement; the dancers who have put months of work into providing this information to you; and the ongoing improvement of our entire community. Posting publicly shows your intent to work with us towards an individual plan which works for your business.

Strippers and club owners alike are participating in solidarity with this strike. If and when the city of Portland reopens and you've signed on everything will open as normal. Putting due diligence towards development of responses in a timely manner. If you have any clarifying questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to We are here to help and we look forward to working with you to reopen Portland on the right foot. 

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing back from you.

Portland Stripper Strike Collective

Zoe Hollis